


Jesús de la Cruz obtained the Degree in Biology in 1989 and the PhD in Biology in 1994 from the University of Seville. From 1995 to 1998, he carried out a post-doctoral stay at the University Medical Centre of Geneva, Switzerland, under the supervision of Prof P. Linder, and at the Prof D. Tollervey’s laboratory in the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. During these years, he specialised in the biochemical, genetic and molecular analysis of the processes of ribosome synthesis and protein translation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. He returned to the laboratory of Prof A. Vioque (Institute of Plant Biochemistry and Photosynthesis, CSIC-University of Seville) to work on the characterisation of ribonucleoprotein complexes from microalgae with a Reintegration Contract for Doctors and Technologists. In 2001, he obtained a position of Associate Professor in the Dept of Genetics of the University of Seville, in 2005 one of the first three places of the National Qualification System to access the body of university professors and from 2006 to 2011, he has been Professor («Profesor Titular»). Since October 2011, he is a Full Professor («Catedrático de Universidad»).

J. de la Cruz teaches subjects related to Genetics and Human Genetics in the Degree of Biology and subjects related to Gene Expression and Cancer in the Masters of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology and Biomedicine of the University of Seville.

He is also the Research Head of the group «Synthesis and Function of Ribosomes», located in the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville (IBiS). His research focuses on the functional study of the cytoplasmic ribosome assembly process and protein translation in eukaryotes, using S. cerevisiae and human cell lines as working models. This field of study has academic interest given the universal importance of the process of protein synthesis but also biomedical interest given the existence of human diseases known as ribosomopathies. Always as Principal Investigator, his group has received continued funding from the Spanish National System and the Andalusian Government since its formation in 2001. J. de la Cruz has directed 6 Doctoral Theses and has another 4 in progress. He is the author of more than 60 international publications, the vast majority located in the first quartile of the JCR impact factor ranking. These add more than 350 impact points, have globally received more than 3300 citations and generate an H-index of 34. J. de la Cruz has an international reputation as evidenced by the fact that two of his reviews published in Mol. Cell Biol. and in Trends Biochem. Sci. have received more than 300 and 400 citations, respectively, and the fact of having recently published in the prestigious journal Annu. Rev. Biochem. (>170 citations since the end of 2015). His group has presented about 100 communications to National and International Conferences and he has been invited to give seminars at different universities and research centres not only in Spain but also in Italy, France, the United Kingdom and Switzerland, among others. Finally, he is a member of the European COST Proteostasis an ProteoCure Networks, a regular reviewer of renowned international journals and grant applications, and academic editor of the Microbial Cell journal.

  • Laura Contreras
  • Jesús De La Cruz
  • José Fernández-Fernández
  • Daniel Gómez-Cabello · lnk
  • Sara Martín-Villanueva
  • Ana Ramos-Sáenz
  • Óscar Ruiz
  • Beatriz Suárez-Quintero
  • Carmen Velasco
  • Eduardo Villalobo



Ribosomes are large ribonucleoprotein partilces that catalyse protein synthesis. In all organisms, ribosomes are composed of two subunits. The small ribosomal subunit, 40S in eukaryotes, serves as a platform to decode the mRNA. The large ribosomal subunit, 60S in eukaryotes, contains the peptydil-transferase center. Interestingly, the ribosome is a ribozyme as the 23S/25S/28S rRNA from the large subunit has the active site for the peptide bond formation.

Our group is interested in understanding the fundamental processes of the assembly of ribosomes in eukaryotes and of the ribosome functions during translation. Most of our understanding of this process has been obtained from the model yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, several lines of evidences indicate a high structural and functional conservation of the process in higher eukaryotes. We make use of the whole repertoire of classical genetics, biochemical and molecular approaches available in yeast and, more recently, we have focused in the study of model human cell lines of biomedical interest.

Work in the lab is focused in the following general topics:

  1. Defining the mechanism of biogenesis of the ribosomal subunits.
  2. Understanding the precise role of trans-acting factos in ribosomal subunit assembly.
  3. Understanding the function of the ribosomal proteins in ribosomal subunit assembly and nucleo-cytoplasmic transport.
  4. Studying point mutations in ribosomal proteins linked to human diseases known as ribosomopathies.
  5. Studying the relationship between cell cycle and ribosome biogenesis.
  6. Understanding the molecular impact that chemotherapeutic drugs such as Sorafenib has on gene expression, translation and ribosome biogenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines.
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